A recent report, ranking the pedestrian safety of every state in the Union, found that Connecticut was ranked 27th worst for pedestrian safety. Between 2003 and 2012 the state saw 351 residents killed while walking on state roads.
Harford, New haven, and Fairfield counties were ranked as the top three most deadly counties in the state for pedestrians. The shockingly high number of pedestrian deaths in the area prompted Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch to launch a public awareness campaign in 2013, aimed at making city streets safer for pedestrians and bikers. The campaign allowed the city’s police department to target drivers which speed in areas known to have high concentrations of pedestrians and bike riders.
Other efforts to reduce the number of pedestrians killed in the state include a call by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign to modify Route 1. 11 pedestrians were killed on the roadway from 2010 to 2012.
While the numbers may be somewhat alarming, they are far from the worst seen in the country. For example, Florida, a state with a much larger population than Connecticut, saw 5,189 pedestrian deaths from 2003 to 2012, resulting in a pedestrian danger index of 168.6. By contrast, Connecticut’s pedestrian danger index is 35, while the national averages 52.2.
If you have been the victim of a pedestrian accident in Connecticut, call the accident attorneys at Danbury accident attorneys – Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP now for an immediate consultation.
58 Post Road Danbury, CT 06810 (888) 244-5480