Ridgefield police have identified a 15-month-old child who died on Monday, having been left in a car in 90 degree temperatures, as Benjamin Seitz.
Ridgefield Police Capt. Jeff Kreitz said that Benjamin was in the car with his father, Kyle Seitz. His normal routine was to drop his son off at a day care center in Ridgefield, get his coffee and then go to his office in Grove Street.
However this particular day the father apparently forgot Benjamin in the back seat and when he found his son in his car at the end of the day he took him directly to Danbury hospital but he was pronounced dead.
Hospital personnel called Ridgefield police, who have declined to provide any further details on the case, and have been joined in the investigation by the State Police Western Connecticut Major Crime Squad and the state attorney’s office in Danbury.
This death closely follows two others in Connecticut where parents were charged with risk of injury to a minor, one in Orange and one in New London, though neither case was fatal.
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