Motorcycle riders in Danbury, and across the country, are frequently cautioned against driving in excess of the speed limit. Experts say that bike riders who ride too fast can increase their likelihood of being involved in serious auto accidents as a result of reduced reaction times at higher velocities. While high velocity motorcycle riding does present its challenges, riding at low velocities, less than 15 miles per hour, can also be hazardous because motorcycles tend to become unstable at such low speeds. The following video gives tips to bike riders traveling and low speeds.
It goes without saying that motorcycle riders in Danbury should always wear a helmet and practice proper road safety procedures. Though motorcycle riding will always be more dangerous than riding in an automobile, bike riders who ride smart can significantly limit their chances of being the victim of a life changing accident.
Danbury accident attorneys – Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP – 58 Post Road Danbury, CT 06810 (888) 244-5480