One in 77 drivers in Connecticut in 2013 received a ticket for a cell phone infraction. That was a total of 32,000 tickets; around 8 percent of the total tickets issued and generated more than $2 million for the state.
The fines ranged from $125 and $400 depending on whether it was the first, second or third violation.
But they increased in October 2013, up to $150 for a first offense and $500 for a third or higher one.
Connecticut law states that a driver cannot use a hand held cell phone whilst the car is moving, apart from in an emergency. It is also illegal to text when stopped at traffic lights.
According to the National Occupant Protection Use Survey, more than 600,000 drivers across the country are using their cell phones at any one time during the day and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that 421,000 were injured because of a distracted driver in 2012, with 3,328 people being killed.
In Connecticut, accident data from 2012, shows that distracted driving was a contributing factor for drivers in fatal accidents in 3.6 percent of crashes. However, there is no data currently available in the state showing whether accidents have decreased as a direct result of the distracted driving laws but it appears it is a severely under reported problem.
If you have been injured in an automobile accident involving a distracted driver , you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Call the accident attorneys at Danbury accident attorneys – Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP now for an immediate consultation. 58 Post Road Danbury, CT 06810 (888) 244-5480